Day 1 of 90DaysOfDevOps
The following three questions will be covered in today's blog
- What is DevOps?
Summary: Developer taking end-to-end ownership for his code starting from requirements and ending with Production Deployment.
- Why it is important?
Currently, when we are performing manual deployments, a developer prepares a release i.e. a jar file in java and then manually move it into production server. On Production, this is built and system restart is taken.
Key challenges in this approach:
a. 3-hour downtime for every production release
b. Manual intervention is always prone to errors.
c. developers need to keep track of what all changes they need to deploy
d. post deployment sanity testing is a manual activity
e. system restart is required post-deployment
f. people need to take this when business teams are sleeping so odd working hours and low morale.
- What is Automation, Scaling and Infrastructure?
Automation is ensure work is performing methodologically without human intervention or with minimal intervention.
Scaling is where system responds to the needs of the business. If there is demand for more hotel rooms, we can build them without issues and similarly, we can destroy rooms when the demand disappears.
Infrastructure is where we store, run and access our files.